Not Even the Sound of a River

Original title: Pas même le bruit d’un fleuve

Publication Date:

March 2020



Original language and publisher

French | Editions Alto

Territories Handled

Netherlands, North America, Scandinavia

Territories Sold

France (Le mot et le reste)


Literary Fiction

Not Even the Sound of a River

Original title: Pas même le bruit d’un fleuve


This novel, masterfully written, reminds us with intensity and subtlety that the memory of beings is long, that it can transcend generations and even centuries, revealing itself through the echoes of small and major dramas of life. On earth no one is just passing by… This novel will change readers for the better. But beware: as with good things in life, it will challenge you. — Claudia Larochelle, Elle

A tale full of poetry, miracles and mysteries. — La Presse

In clear, evocative, stripped-down prose, the author carries us into the deepest, darkest depths of the human psyche, but we resurface stronger for it. — Le Soleil

A book that will stir up a whirlpool of emotion and change you for the better. — Elle Quebec

A delightful book carried by fabulous writing. — ICI Radio-Canada

An intimate study of the power of memories and language, the new beautiful novel by acclaimed Québécoise poet fuses sensory fiction, poetic prose, miracles and mysteries.

When Hanna finds notebooks in her mother’s belongings, she decides to travel up the St. Lawrence river, to try to find the thread which could tie her life to Simone’s, this silent woman who distanced herself from her own life. Along the river, Hanna will meet Antoine, her mother’s true love, and will go all the way back to 1914, to the sinking of the Empress of Ireland.

She will discover how personal tragedies which affect generations sometimes stem from a catastrophe, and how the survivors can be the true castaways. Through this journey, there will be the power of art and that of friendship to escort a luminous and demanding interior quest.

Marketing Information

  • Since its publication, Pas même le bruit d’un fleuve has been a steady best seller for many bookstores and online sales platforms in Québec.
  • Over 7,500 copies sold
  • Winner of the prestigious 2019 Prix Athanase-David for her lifelong literary creation
  • English and Spanish translation available