Original title: Paris-Venise
Striking and mordant expressions, a certain poetry fluttering prettily on the pages. Florent Oiseau does it again in this beautiful journey. — Librairie Bookstore, Biarritz
Florent Oiseau, a young, audacious author who flies from his own wings!…This young author is extremely promising…Lively and funny writing, and God knows it requires talent to hilariously and humanely describe the painful tedium of these minimum wage jobs…Dard, Simenon, Renaud, a tantalizing cocktail…Oiseau possesses the proper audacity and for that there is no reproach for this young novelist. — Baz’art
This hilarious book is about tragedy…Oiseau, with his corrosive pen and his ingenuous character, recounts the order to abandon his humanity to meet degrading performance criteria. — L’Humanité
We savor this sparkling and witty writing, inflected with street talk that, beyond its humorous dimension, translates a reality full of traps and gloom. A nice, atmospheric novel. — Moustique
By the first three pages, I was already laughing my head off…I laughed from the beginning…Lots of humor in this novel. — RTBF Belgique
Paris-Venice confirms the talent of Florent Oiseau who admirably mixes humor and sentimentality…The writer is vivacious, giving nods to Frédéric Dard and rap…A good time, happy to have discovered this author. — Lady Butterfly & Co
A pleasant surprise…a big moment!…The author knows how to play with words…A realistic novel and a breath of fresh air regarding the more unpleasant and difficult subjects of life. A real page turner with a hero you can truly get attached to. Full of humility and not lacking in humor. — Livres d’Eden & C
With this second novel, Florent Oiseau confirms his talent through his narration…The writing is skillful, well-constructed and leaves it to the reader to discern his/her own issue in the book…Paris-Venice is without a doubt a second successful work done with verve by the author. — Booksnpics
Florent Oiseau has writing in his blood and banter at his lips. He’s gotten us quite excited with this story, which must speak to his talent! — L’Obs
By the charm of its narrator, endowed with a wonderful sense of self-deprecation and quick to spin hilarious metaphors, the humor plays on irony at the discretion of each journey. — L’Express
It’s gotten tough to know what to buy at a bookshop that’ll have me roaring with laughter. Florent Oiseau could well be the solution. — Nicolas Ungemuth, Figaro Magazine
A witty book, written with impressive sincerity. – Emilie Bulledop, C’est au Programme, France 2
Paris-Venice is a novel that is both refreshing and rhythmic, vivacious and very humorous. — Domi C Lire
Snappy, hilarious, yet tender writing that takes us aboard a joyful ride. — L’Amour des Livres
Inspired by real life events, Paris-Venice displays the talent of Florent Oiseau with his admirable blend of humor and sensitivity.
“Is this Milan?
Caught unawares, Demba looked out the window and took a glance at the blue board for an answer. “No, sir, that’s coming up. At the moment we’re at a nearby suburb in Sottopassaggio.”
Just to look like a guy who knew the Lombardy region like the back of his hand, I added, “Yes, it really is pretty close.”
The man gave a quiet laugh and explained to us, a tad condescending, that “Sottopassaggio” means “underground passage,” but that the big “Milano Centrale” board we could now read meant we were, indeed, in Milan. Demba replied that it was just a little joke. The passenger, now feeling like an idiot, made his way toward the open door at the end of the aisle.
“That was a good one,” I told him. “I really believed that was the name of the city.”
“Same here.”
With illegal immigrants, drunken customs officers and pickpockets descending to plunder the wagon once the passengers are asleep, it’s a moving theatre where anything can happen. Even falling in love.
Marketing Information
- Over 20,000 copies sold
- Shortlisted for the Prix Orange du Livre