Our Last Times. Defying Nostalgia
Original title: Nos Dernières Fois. Défier la nostalgie
“There are last times that we have no control over, and that we try, as best we can, to prepare ourselves for – graduating, selling a house, retiring, the death of our elders. There are those that we didn’t see coming, that hit us hard: being ditched by a partner, a friend, or a job; our parents’ divorce; the accidental death of someone we love. And the ones that we aim for and that free us: the end of a toxic relationship, a sickness, or an addiction.
Last day, last words, last look, last touch, last drink… they are always existential landmarks, but not always ends. How can we respond to them other than with dread, sadness, and nostalgia? Last times bring closure, lead to new beginnings, divide our lives into chapters. They shed light on the passing of time and shape our relationship to the now.” SG