One Way

Original title: Sola andata

Author: Bruno, Claudia

Publication Date:

April 2022



Original language and publisher

Italian | NN Editore

Territories Handled

English (North America), Netherlands


Literary Fiction

One Way

Original title: Sola andata

Author: Bruno, Claudia


“I’m imperfect and broken, someone who nothing and no one could have fixed. You have to get lost and forgive yourself to really know yourself”.

For fans of Lost in Translation. A majestically written love story which tells us the journey of those who, to really get to know themselves, are willing to embrace the vastness of the present.

Ludovica and Cristian love each other. They are in their twenties and live in a house just outside Rome, an area they call the Yard, an eternal broken promise of future and wholeness. When Cristian, a PhD researcher, gets a job in London, for Ludovica, who has just suffered a miscarriage, is a trauma. She finds solace only in Ombra, their little blind cat, and in the notebooks in which she writes formulas and diagrams she relies on to anchor herself in the world. After one year, Ludovica manages to join Cristian in his squalid London loft, convinced that she will piece together her fragmented life. However, in just a few days, Ludovica realizes she doesn’t feel at home in London. The city is a chasm of skyscrapers and nightclubs, a non-place that engulfs her and pushes her towards an existence at the edges. Not even Cristian’s love, more and more fragile, seems to be able to save her. Lost in the streets, cast aside from society, and switching between dream and reality, Ludovica ultimately and paradoxically succeeds to forgive herself and find her existential dimension.

Intense, compelling, haunting and surprising, and also profound, lyrical, intimate and universal, refined and powerful at once. One Way is a story about displacement, relegation and identity, a labyrinth that doubles and mirrors itself. A visceral and captivating book which seduces and conquers the readers with its vivid and richly evocative prose, its suggestive descriptions and insightful ponderings, while exploring the liminal spaces of everyone’s life.