Once Upon a Time in this Place

Original title: Aqui neste lugar

Publication Date:

July 2022



Original language and publisher

Brazilian Portuguese | Autêntica

Territories Handled

Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English


Literary Fiction

Once Upon a Time in this Place

Original title: Aqui neste lugar


A superb dystopian novel set in a mythic and a-historic Brazil that brings light to some of the most relevant political aspects of contemporary culture, highlighting the damaging environmental practices developed by Western civilization, this time with the exquisite background of Brazilian forests and folklore. Unfortunately, Silveira’s subtle and accurate view and understanding of the massacre imposed by the white colonization on the original indigenous peoples that inhabited our territory have never been so urgent.

The time and place of this novel is a mythical and a-historic Brazil. The First People have inherited the secret of the Time of no Evil, and that is what their enemies wish to discover. In fact, the secret to “this land of happiness, freedom, and love” is just to live the best way you can and wait. Nevertheless, the people of El Dorado believe that this secret must be more concrete and material. They plan to achieve it and, for that, gather their powerful army and mercenaries of the People without Color, the Dried-Bodies, and the Living-Dead. The First People have other mythical forces to defend their land, among them the Amazons and the gigantic M’Boitatá.

The novel narrates the history of this war, meanwhile other mythical beings present themselves: Uiara, an Amazonian version of the mermaids; Curupira, defender of the forests and their animals; the Old Trampler Lady, the twins Macu and Naíma and the Men of the Rain. Throughout the novel abound fantasy, deaths, amazing love scenes and a lot of humor with a commitment to no realism, but to the building of a believable alternative world.

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