I believe Nirliit is one of those books of northern inspiration which will become among the most important of our times. The rightness of its tone and the extraordinary credibility of the topic represent the quality of this fictional text, based on the personal experience of the author. — Jean Désy, Jonquière
As I write this, I cannot wait to reread this book because its powerful beauty haunts me. — Dorothée Berryman, La Presse
Juliana Léveillé-Trudel offers a tale of love and friendship, as beautiful and stark as the tundra itself.
A young woman from Montreal follows the geese to the Inuit North in this deeply-felt witnessing of contemporary Indigenous life, as shaped by decades of colonial rule and government neglect.
Having worked in the North for years, Juliana Léveillé-Trudel offers a portrait of a people undaunted by institutionalized racism, but in many cases broken by domestic violence, corporate mining, and the corrupting presence of summer workers up from the South in search of big paycheques.
Delivered across two searing monologues, Nirliit is a testament to a people’s perseverance as much as it is an apology by those who inflicted those circumstances upon them. Léveillé-Trudel transcends historical divisions to make a meaningful, individual connection.
Juliana Léveillé-Trudel has been working as an educator in the Nunavik region of Northern Quebec. She writes for the stage, and was a founder of the Théâtre de brousse. Nirliit is her first novel. She lives in Montreal.
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- Full English translation available