Montaigne, Kant, and My Dog: A Treatise on Canine Philosophy

Original title: Montaigne, Kant et mon chien

Author: Jougla, Audrey

Publication Date:

March 2022



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Animals & Nature, Philosophy

Montaigne, Kant, and My Dog: A Treatise on Canine Philosophy

Original title: Montaigne, Kant et mon chien

Author: Jougla, Audrey


Through this grounded, personal and even intimate story, the dog is revealed as much more than man’s best friend: he is also the wisest companion a human being can have. A book that is both profound and light. — Philosophie Magazine

Halfway between an autobiographical account and an introspective discussion, the author, captivatingly authentic, invites us to follow her in the process of learning and constructing our “self”; in companionship with the one who will remain forever our best life guide. — Julie, My Dog Is a Queen blog

Do you need to get ahead in life? While you are attentively reading Leibniz, don’t forget to raise your head, turn it towards your dog, and look into his eyes. … The dog is the philosopher’s best teacher of philosophy. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from Audrey Jougla’s beautiful book, which interweaves an autobiographical account with deep philosophical thoughts. — Marianne

In Montaigne, Kant, and My Dog, the author offers a fresh look at our relationship with animals and derives from her experience a genuine little treatise on canine philosophy. … A poignant account, thanks to which you will never see your dog in the same way again. — Actualitté

From Sartre to Kant by way of Freud, Pascal, Montaigne, Bergson, and Nietzsche, this short manual of wisdom full of humor and warmth will win over all those who love dogs or philosophy.

Could dogs be philosophical geniuses without even knowing it? This is the question the author asks herself after thirteen years living side by side with her dog Comédie.

More than pets, dogs often become fully fledged members of a family. They build deep relationships with their owners underpinned by close ties and unconditional love. Dogs help, support, and comfort their owners by their presence alone, even in silence. Dogs even help us to live better lives and make us better people.

Working from this realization and using her experience as a high school philosophy teacher, Audrey Jougla penned this little treatise on canine philosophy. Combining lived experiences with philosophical analysis, she details all of the philosophical tenets her dog has taught her in a text full of emotion, warmth, and humor. Sartre, Kant, Freud, Pascal, Montaigne, Bergson, and Nietzsche all find their way into the teachings her dog unwittingly shares. Readily accessible for all, from philosophy buffs to curious novices, this book provides a new look at our relationship with “man’s best friend”. And the boss in the relationship isn’t always whom you’d expect!

  • From Sartre to Kant by way of Freud, Pascal, Montaigne, Bergson, and Nietzsche, sixteen lessons full of humor and warmth inspired by our relationships with our pets.
  • Particularly fond of their dogs, people are willing to spend more on these pets than on any others; this accessible little treatise should easily win over a wide readership.
  • The author, who is a high school philosophy teacher, has also published Profession: animal de laboratoire (Editions Autrement, 2015—over 4,000 copies sold, translated into German and soon Spanish), which speaks to her commitment to animal rights.