Men on the Path of Mindful Masculinity

Original title: Des hommes en chemin

Publication Date:

April 2021



Original language and publisher

French | Massot Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Personal Development

Men on the Path of Mindful Masculinity

Original title: Des hommes en chemin


Men have never been faced with so many contradictory rules: be both virile and gentle, take the lead in seducing women but stay respectful, find yourself while committing to a relationship, etc. What is a man supposed to be in the 21st century? We all – men and women alike – have both feminine and masculine polarities within us. Understanding that reality opens up the field of possibilities for living as a man. It offers the key to a more balanced and mindful Masculinity plus that is no longer in confrontation with Femininity.

Accepting both of those polarities within yourself enables a twofold reconciliation: with yourself, first of all, and then with others.  Drawing on both the many personal stories he has heard as a psycho-corporal therapist and on his own experience as a man, Didier de Buisseret has written an essay that rethinks our approach to gender and sexuality. The book starts by establishing theoretical bases and then applies them, offering numerous examples and first-person accounts from patients. Each chapter ends with exercises to help readers anchor what they’ve read in their own body.