
Original title: Mangoustan

Author: Giudice, Rocco

Publication Date:

August 2019



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Debut Novel, Literary Fiction


Original title: Mangoustan

Author: Giudice, Rocco


Rocco Giudice makes his literary baptism of fire with a joyful feminist plea. – L’Express
A lively and offhand style, mixing real events with the imaginary.  L’Obs

The writing is enjoyable, rhythmic, and the points of humour allow us to approach the distress of the three female characters without heaviness.  Librairie Coulier

This book made me smile, moved me, intrigued me. Des Livres en Nous

The parallel lives and fates of three fragile, powerful women. A debut novel received in the mail, with a unique tone intertwining scathing humor and surprising sensitivity.

After thirty years of marriage, Laure’s husband ditches her for a woman on their household staff. Irina, an ambitious Ukrainian, is married to a man from a rich old Swiss family, who never misses a chance to remind her of her lowly roots. A Slovenian former model, Melania married a flame-haired Priapus, and finds herself First Lady against her will.

What connect these three women who don’t know each other? Dominating husbands and a desire for emancipation? Surely, but a typhoon with the gentle name ‘Mangosteen,’ too. It is about to descend on Hong Kong the very weekend that all three of them have come to relax and recharge their batteries.