Love and Its Powers That Be

Original title: I poteri forti

Author: Zucco, Giuseppe

Publication Date:

February 2021



Original language and publisher

Italian | NN Editore

Territories Handled

English (North America), Netherlands


Literary Fiction

Love and Its Powers That Be

Original title: I poteri forti

Author: Zucco, Giuseppe


Two teenagers fall in love and turn into fish in an era that seems to refuse any form of love; a man decides to tattoo everything he has experienced throughout his life until he disappears beneath his skin; a woman laughs in her sleep every night with such a sinister laugh that terrorizes her husband.

All the stories of this collection talk about love and its power: a power so
overwhelming to overthrow the boundaries between the inner and outer self, between reality and imagination, a power that often speaks a language that even lovers fail to understand. Thus, in an increasingly chaotic and hostile world, feelings are the only resources we have left to communicate and exist.

Giuseppe Zucco writes with tenderness and in awe of the mysteries surrounding life, revealing that inexhaustible, dangerous energy that besieges the soul and can only be shaken off by diving into another dimension and giving up on yourself.