Living with Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward

Original title: Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant

Author: Pépin, Charles

Publication Date:

September 2023



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Germany (Carl Hanser)
Serbia (Vulkan)
Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe)
Russia (Popuri)
Spanish (World) (Siruela)
Greece (Patakis)
South Korea (Prunsoop, at auction)
Italy (Baldini & Castoldi, at auction)
Japan (Soshisha)
China (Xinhua)
Turkey (Serenad)
Brazil (Estação Liberdade)


Personal Development, Psychology

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Foreign Covers

Carl Hanser
Le Centre Culturel Arabe

Living with Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward

Original title: Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant

Author: Pépin, Charles


Based on Bergson and the most recent advances in neuroscience, Charles Pépin offers a stimulating exploration of the reinvention of memory and memories. — Philosophie Magazine

A method for making the past the engine of a better present […] alternating with philosophical theories, personal anecdotes, the lives of illustrious athletes or elements of popular culture. — Libération

How can you make peace with your past and turn it into a strength for your future?

Ignoring what we have lived is a delusion, trying to relive it, madness.
To go forward, we have to find the right distance with our own past: with the child we once were, the way we were raised, the trials and joys that changed us.

To help us get there, Charles Pépin summons classics from philosophy, literature, song and film. He also draws on new types of therapy that have been made possible thanks to progress in neuroscience, which is transforming how traumatic memories are treated.
He shows us how our happiness depends on our ability to accept and embrace our own past, and even, often, to rewrite it.
Cauterizing your wounds, ageing well, being able to remember good things to incite more of them, knowing how to look back to better project yourself in the future: it’s all possible when you know how to live with your past. This essay gives us the keys to achieve that.

Marketing Information

  • #1 in the Bestsellers list in the Essay Category for 3 consecutive weeks

Foreign Covers

Carl Hanser
Le Centre Culturel Arabe