Life in the Woods

Original title: La Vie dans les Bois

Publication Date:

April 2019



Original language and publisher

French | Allary Editions

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Animals & Nature

Life in the Woods

Original title: La Vie dans les Bois


A book that suggests self-discovery through the discovery of nature. – Le Magazine de la santé – France 5″

To read. Because we find ourselves in this story of retirement in the wilderness in which the narrator looks like us. — Stylist Magazine

This thirty-year-old delivers with humour her toils, her wonder, and her reflections, always supported, on this wild world so essential to humanity. — We Demain

Assumed city-dweller Jennifer Murzeau went off to live in the woods for a week, without water or food, in order to reconnect with nature.

“The ecological crisis is at the heart of our concerns today. Yet we fail to take full measure of it, to truly ‘feel’ it, because the way we live has never been so disconnected from nature.

So I decided to take off for several days and immerse myself in nature, with a hammock, a knife and a survival guide called François.

I descended the Charente river by canoe and slept on its banks. I learned how to make a fire with wet wood, to feed myself on boiled plants; I gave up on killing a rodent, and lived at the slow pace of life in the wild.

I then continued the adventure on my own in the Pyrenees mountain range, where I encountered the immensity of nature, fear, storms, beauty… and humility.

I came back with only one desire: to leave again.” — J. M.