Introduction to the Study of Meaning: Semantics and Pragmatics
Original title: Initiation à l’étude du sens. Sémantique et pragmatique
The study of meaning, in its semantic and pragmatic dimensions, is part of the basic curriculum in language sciences, philosophy and psychology. More generally, it concerns all those interested in language and its use in communication. With the rise of cognitive science, semantics and pragmatics have undergone considerable recent development.
This second edition provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to these classic fields, covering all the essentials.
In addition, the chapters retrace their progression to include the most recent concepts (cognitive semantics, intercultural pragmatics, etc.). The book also compares semantics and pragmatics. This approach provides a comprehensive and coherent view of linguistic meaning, while also showing where the boundaries between these disciplines lie.
Conceived in fourteen chapters that end with revision questions to check one’s knowledge, the book is intended as a clear, pedagogical tool for those – students, teachers, practitioners in language and linguistics, philosophy, psychology, communication, sociology – who want to familiarize themselves with these different concepts.
Marketing Information
- English proposal available