Indifference, the Wisdom of the Benevolent

Original title: L’indifférence. La sagesse des bienveillants

Publication Date:

February 2020



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Essay, Philosophy

Indifference, the Wisdom of the Benevolent

Original title: L’indifférence. La sagesse des bienveillants


We are living in a world that has accepted almost all forms of human feeling, as selfish as they are: lure of profit, greed, anger, desire for revenge, etc. 

Among all these feelings, there is one that we almost never talk about: indifference. A feeling associated with individualism which is most often condemned in our societies. 

Nevertheless, indifference seems to be a condition for our survival in order to protect ourselves from the perpetual enticements of modern society. 

What if you could learn the art of “do not care” to live better and be happier?