I Don't Think I'll Have Any

Original title: Je pense que j’en aurai pas

Publication Date:

September 2023



Original language and publisher

French | Editions XYZ

Territories Handled

English (World excl Canada), France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Scandinavia

Territories Sold

France (Les Équateurs)


Graphic Novels & Comics

I Don't Think I'll Have Any

Original title: Je pense que j’en aurai pas


“[…] the delicate subject of parenthood as experienced by women has been seldomly addressed in comics. Thirty-year-old Montreal artist Catherine Gauthier eloquently addresses this viewpoint in her punchy first album, notably through a hyper-realistic graphic approach. With a disconcerting frankness and a striking surgical dissection of feelings, […] a book which will certainly get people talking, and, we hope, will incite discussion.” – Les libraires, September 2023

“[…] we have the impression of knowing [the character], as her novel, illustrated in black and white, tells her life and her journey so intimately. It must be said that the emotions, even in the long silences, are very skillfully told. […] Thanks to very strong symbolic drawings, Catherine Gauthier even dares to go a step further into the intimate” – La Presse, September 2023

“The images in gray-black hues, of striking emotional and technical precision, reflect all the subtleties and delicacy of the subject. » – Le Devoir, September 2023

From the gifted pencil of newcomer Catherine Gauthier, this graphic novel discusses a delicate subject with all the lucidity and sensitivity it warrants: the idea that motherhood may not be in the cards you were dealt.

At 37, the protagonist comes to terms with the fact that she will probably never have children. Is it a personal choice, or a life-imposed reality? On the topic of nulliparity, the voices often heard belong to women who choose not to have children.

But what about the others? Those for whom this reality is not a decision or a claim, but rather an unplanned outcome of their journey?

I don’t think I’ll have any chronicles the protagonist’s thoughts on her own reality and gives the floor to women from all walks of life who juggle with the same existential question.