How One Crazy Ant Can Change the World. And Other Wonderful Stories From Nature

Original title: Hoe één gekke mier de wereld kan veranderen

Author: Postma, Arjan

Publication Date:

September 2020



Original language and publisher

Dutch | Boekerij

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. Dutch

Territories Sold

Germany (Knesebeck)


Animals & Nature

How One Crazy Ant Can Change the World. And Other Wonderful Stories From Nature

Original title: Hoe één gekke mier de wereld kan veranderen

Author: Postma, Arjan


‘Postma’s enthusiasm for the animal kingdom is contagious. He makes you feel as if you’re right beside him in the bushes.’ – Algemeen Dagblad

‘Arjan Postma rapidly won the hearts of nature lovers.’ NCRV-GIDS

Arjan Postma invites us to look at the natural world in a different way. His ability to recognize remarkable similarities between humans and non-humans – combined with his captivating way of storytelling – results in a series of unique stories.

He shows how one crazy ant can change the world and offers us a glimpse into animal culture – describing how animals make theater, prepare their food and build entire cities. Major topics like leadership, teamwork and love are also touched upon.

His cheerful insights into the animal world guarantee that Arjan’s stories are always original and surprising, but this book will maybe also make us realize that we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously.

Arjan’s stories are recorded by Koen van Santvoord. This book is already their fourth production together.

Marketing Information

  • English sample available
  • 10,000+ copies sold in the Netherlands within one month — ranked in the Bestseller 60 for several weeks