History's Trickeries
Original title: Les Ruses de l’Histoire
- 2 Seas Represents: Dutch, Nordic and North American rights
None of the most significant historical occurrences of our time could be foreseen. We wonder if history makes sense. Over and over, it takes us by surprise and turns our perception of the world and our vision of the future upside down.
After the success of Blind Eye, Marc Ferro, collaborating with Emmanuel Laurentin, lengthens his thoughts about the trickeries history has in store for us. Methodically, he takes stock of the 20th and 21th centuries and is able to decipher globalization as well as the Iranian Revolution, the rise of terrorism, the subprime crisis, the end of the Soviet Union, the resurgence of eradicated diseases, many events that politics and specialists didn’t see coming.
Our forecasts and our hopes are constantly outwitted. As usual, Marc Ferro opens up a new debate. At 93, with all his experience and knowledge, he calls himself an optimist. History can take positive turns too and set aside good surprises. There are several signs of resistance and recovery such as fighting against Islamism in Muslim countries, against fascism in Poland and in Hungary, etc…
This renowned French historian’s faithful readers, whom he won over all along his remarkable career, won’t be disappointed by this bright and didactic piece of work.
Marc Ferro is an historian known all over the world. He is a specialist of Russia and
USSR, of WWI and WWII, and of the relationships between cinema and history. He has written more than thirty books translated in about twenty languages, among which Blind Eye, (Tallandier, 2015, more than 20,000 sold copies), and The Truth about the Romanovs’ Tragedy (Tallandier, 2012).
Emmanuel Laurentin is the producer and host of La Fabrique de l’histoire, a daily radio show on France Culture.