History of Jerusalem

Original title: Histoire de Jérusalem

Publication Date:

October 2022



Original language and publisher

French | Les Arènes

Territories Sold

South Korea (Booksea)
Spanish (World) (Garbuix)
English (World) (Abrams, at auction)
Israel (Keter Books)
Portugal (Levoir)
Germany (Jacoby & Stuart)


Graphic Novels & Comics

Number of copies sold:


History of Jerusalem

Original title: Histoire de Jérusalem


A universal story. 4,000 years ago, Jerusalem was a small isolated village, perched on a ridge line between the Mediterranean and the desert.

Today, it is an agglomeration of almost a million inhabitants that focuses the eyes and attracts visitors from all over the world.

In the meantime, monotheisms were invented there, the greatest conquerors seized it, the greatest empires clashed there. Cradle of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, East Jerusalem is today a spiritual capital for more than half of humanity. Tracing the history of this cradle common also makes it possible to tell differently the history of religious identities.

Throughout these 250 pages, the reader meets the patriarch Abraham, the King Herod, Empress Helena, Queen Melisende, Sultan Saladin, the Caliph Suleiman, General Allenby, the commander Abdelkader Husseini, Mayor Teddy Kollek… and all the other famous people who have made the “Great Story” of Jerusalem. But they also meet the crowd anonymous people, priests, craftsmen,
architects… all those who have surveyed Jerusalem over the centuries.

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