Historical Airplanes. 25 legendary aircrafts

Original title: Avions de l’histoire. 25 aéronefs de légende

Publication Date:

November 2022



Original language and publisher

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French

Territories Sold

Italy (option)


Essay, History

Historical Airplanes. 25 legendary aircrafts

Original title: Avions de l’histoire. 25 aéronefs de légende


History from above!

25 exciting stories about aviation!

From hot-air-balloons to fire-fighting planes via Saint-Exupéry, Air Force One and Aéropostale, discover the little-known details of the great moments in aviation and the extraordinary journeys of their contributors.

After History Takes the Train and History Sets Sail, Sophie Dubois-Collet has brought together 25 incredible stories about the history of aviation.