Good Awkward: How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become The Bravest You

Author: Pryor, Henna

Publication Date:

September 2023



Original language and publisher

English (USA) | Ideapress Publishing

Territories Handled

World excl. English

Territories Sold

Arabic (Jarir)
Taiwan (Ping's Publications)
Russia (Alpina)


Business & Leadership


  • American Book Fest “Best Book” Awards 2023: Self-Help: Motivational – Finalist
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  • The Business Book Awards 2024: Smart Thinking – Finalist
  • Eric Hoffer Book Awards 2024: Self-Help - First Horizon Award Finalist
  • Royal Dragonfly Book Awards 2023: Self-Help/Inspirational - Honorable Mention
  • Living Now Book Awards 2024: Motivation/Self-Improvement - Silver Medal Winner
  • National Indie Excellence Awards: Self-Help: Motivational - Winner

Good Awkward: How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become The Bravest You

Author: Pryor, Henna


 “Whip-smart. Funny. Insightful. Inspirational. If awkwardness has held you back and you’d rather use it as an advantage at work and in life, READ THIS BOOK!” —Joanna Lohman, Former US Women’s National Soccer Team Player + Mental Performance Coach

Good Awkward is a must-read for anyone out there who lets their awkwardness hold them back from being the bigger, bolder, better versions of themselves. Through Henna’s background, research, and most of all, her humor (I laughed out loud throughout!), she teaches that a little awkwardness can go a long way in getting us out of our comfort zones and on the path to success.” —Tracy Pruzna-Roy, Former SVP at NBCUniversal + Executive Coach

“In a world that doesn’t want you to be your most glorious and awkward self, Henna hands us the signed permission slip we all needed to own our cringe. Full of laugh out loud and highly relatable moments, Good Awkward is a must read for anyone looking for an insightful exploration on how those bits we’d rather not show the world are the source of our greatest strength.” —Victoria Melchor, Depth Psychology Author

“Henna nails it with Good Awkward. Her blend of humor, authenticity, and real-world application separates her from other coaches-turned-authors. She makes the science of awkward accessible and fun. There is hope for us after all!” — Collin Henderson, CEO of Master Your Mindset

Awkwardness isn’t a weakness to fix – it’s your greatest asset for professional and personal growth. 

In a time of blurred realities and filtered faces, embracing your awkwardness may seem counterintuitive. As 2x TEDx Speaker and Executive Coach Henna Pryor shows, relishing your “Good Awkward” is essential to becoming more bold, boosting your confidence, and taking the necessary professional risks at work that help you be braver and meet your true potential.

In this book, Pryor taps her signature playful and lighthearted writing style to share stories, science-based tools, and simple action steps to guide you to:

  • Pinpoint the exact reason it’s been difficult to take risks – and how to move past it
  • Learn how to use the concepts of deliberate discomfort and strategic micro stressors to strengthen mental muscle
  • Create your own personalized plan to be braver in the moments when it counts

If your biggest goals have felt elusive or you’re eager to find a fresh edge in the crowded marketplace, Good Awkward can teach you how to create a new outlook on moments that once caused embarrassment or cringe and use them as a force for good, so you can become the bravest you.

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