Game of Masks

Original title: Il gioco delle maschere

Author: Furia, Daniele

Publication Date:

February 2022



Original language and publisher

Italian | Mondadori

Territories Handled

France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English


Crime & Thrillers

Game of Masks

Original title: Il gioco delle maschere

Author: Furia, Daniele


In the vein of Seven and Saw, a truly haunting glimpse into a mysterious world of masked suspects.

Not far from Venice, in Verona, the Carnival has just begun when, late at night, the police breaks into Doctor Masiero’s apartment: he has not been available on the phone for hours now. What the police has to look at is way worse than they expected, Masiero is face down on an armchair wearing a traditional costume, not perfect but well done, by the Veronese bacchanal. A few hours later, detective Miriam Sannino receives a call, another body wearing a carnival costume has been found in a country farmhouse right outside the city. Too many similarities to be just a coincidence. Together with her longtime friend Patrizia, the young trainee Giusy and the newly arrived Giovanni Tassi, she takes on an investigation nobody believes she is capable of solving. Soon, other things happen, following the rules of an implacable game.

Who is behind the murders? Which dark secrets do they hide? Maybe the loner who just left the farmhouse to move to Verona knows something? Miriam will have to face her past’s ghosts, especially her father’s ones, an ex-detective accused of corruption: only by solving the case she will discover the truth that ties her to the mask’s murderer.

In the vein of Seven and Saw, a fast paced thriller that takes place in a never so described Verona, a story that gives us a whole new perspective on one of Italy’s most mysterious holidays.

Miriam slowly came close to the body, it was pale, deeply wrinkled all over. The skin of the breast was flaccid over the ribs. It had a white apron on the belly. Its hands laid on the lap taped together, they held a hairbrush hanging over a basin stucked violently between pointed knees. “I thought you had to see it with your own eyes.” Fornaser said. Miriam strived to mask her astonishment. “He was…?” “Strangled. Can you see those bruises around the neck? We are still looking for the murder weapon.”