Freedom, Happiness and Fuck the Rest
Original title: Liberade, Felicidade e Foda-Se!
“This book is about what can make you happy and what you must leave behind. Are you curious? I bet you are. Enjoy! Serious topics can be fun.” Leo Jaime – musician and writer
Have you ever heard of the happiness curve? Research carried out by economists in 80 countries, with more than 2 million people found a constant pattern. The youngest and oldest people are the happiest and the least happy people are aged between 40 and 50.
Using this starting point, the anthropologist Mirian Goldenberg went out into the field and proved that this is the same case in Brazil, The results of her investigation led to the TEDx talk which went viral on You Tube with almost a million views. Liberade, Felicidade e Foda-Se! was created from this talk. It’s a warning and at the same time an invitation for everyone to accept the challenge and have the courage to create a happier and freer life.
Marketing Information
- English translation available
- Over 15,000 copies sold
- TEDxTalk that inspired the book