Fortress Europe. An Investigation into the Underside of Our Borders

Original title: Forteresse Europe. Enquête sur l’envers de nos frontières

Publication Date:

February 2024



Original language and publisher

French | Lux Editeur

Territories Handled

Worldwide excl. French


Current Affairs, Politics

Fortress Europe. An Investigation into the Underside of Our Borders

Original title: Forteresse Europe. Enquête sur l’envers de nos frontières


Thanks to Émilien Bernard for this work, which is both extremely useful in terms of the amount of information it gathers, and heart-warming in demonstrating what is being done, for example, by a network like AlarmPhone all around the Mediterranean, by activists in welcome centers near the borders, and by so many other groups and associations mobilized against the unacceptable. — Lundimatin

At the borders of Europe, walls and fences are springing up like mushrooms. An epidemic of barbed wire, the symptom of a xenophobic worldview in which migrants are seen as a threat to the Western world, a nuisance to be contained at all costs, even at the cost of their lives. Yet the only crime of these stigmatized travelers – men, women and children from Afghanistan, Senegal, Syria, Morocco, Bangladesh or Sudan – is to be on the move towards a new destiny. To put up a fortress against them, a ruinous paranoid delusion in the service of identitarian withdrawal, is also to ignore the mechanisms of migration, from which Europe has so much benefited. It’s time to reverse the perspective, argues the author.

In this in-depth investigation, carried out on both sides of the Mediterranean, Émilien Bernard shows the reality of the European borders set up against the “undesirables”, who try to cross them. From Laâyoune to Melilla, via Lampedusa, Belgrade or Calais, the succession of obstacles, as diverse as they are useless, serve to push back and make invisible those who simply want to build a life elsewhere.