Cinq jours au Timor

Author: Segui, Morgan

Publication Date:

May 2024



Original language and publisher

French | Premier Parallèle

Territories Handled

Netherlands, North America, Scandinavia


Narrative Non-Fiction

Cinq jours au Timor

Author: Segui, Morgan


I fell about seven or eight meters, maybe more, from the top of a slope that was more than forty meters high. My body then hit a rock and was stopped dead by the roughness of the wall which, for a short moment, was no longer vertical. Slumped on my right side, shattered, crumpled, torn, offering no profile that could indicate the presence of a human silhouette, I resembled an old t-shirt heavy with sweat, thrown on the ground and forgotten.
With his skull exposed, his arm fractured, without water or the possibility of contacting anyone, the narrator, who fell from a mountainside on a small island in Timor, will live as a wounded animal. Five days will pass before he manages to find help. Five days of experiencing unsuspected sensations, of discovering a body returned to its full vulnerability, but also of observing its environment with instinctive and total acuity.