Arctic. The Battle for the Great White North

Original title: Artico. La battaglia per il grande nord

Author: Mian, Marzio G.

Publication Date:

January 2018



Original language and publisher

Italian | Neri Pozza


Politics, Travel & Adventure

Arctic. The Battle for the Great White North

Original title: Artico. La battaglia per il grande nord

Author: Mian, Marzio G.

  • 2 Seas Represents: Dutch Rights
  • Rights sold: Germany (Folio), Spain (Editorial Ariel/Planeta)
  • German and Spanish translations available


The fruit of ten years of “journalistic exploration”, Artico fills a blank: the story of today’s New Arctic told by those who directly experience the mindless race for the conquest of the last unspoiled plot of land.

Travelling to the Arctic used to be like travelling to the Moon, a planet beyond the great history of mankind. However, nowadays the Arctic lays at the heart of epochal turning points. If you look at it from the space, the region looks less and less white, and more and more blue. A new sea is emerging, as global warming in the Great White North goes twice as fast as in the rest of the world. Melting glaciers in the only unexploited area left in the world, which conceals resources as valuable as the entire USA economy, have opened new trade routes. New vast sea areas teeming with fish have been discovered, and gigantic infrastructures for extraction have been built. A relentless neocolonial rush has started at the expense of the native Inuit populations. The Arctic is, more than ever before, a much disputed land of conquest.

Marzio G. Mian is one of the very few international journalists who have explored the New Arctic. From Greenland to Alaska, from the Barents Sea to the Bering Strait, this report of his journey tells the story of the conquest of the absolute ultimate frontier. China is trying by any means to expand its global ambitions towards the Great White North. The USA, just like Norway, are facing the dangerous neo-imperialist plans of Vladimir Putin, who considers the Arctic Russia’s Mare Nostrum, and there unleashes his spies, concentrates his nuclear bases and warheads.

According to Mian, this conflict is more realistic now than it was during the Cold War. In the Big Game of the 21st Century the question that really matters is: who does the North Pole belong to?

Marzio G. Mian has funded with other international journalists the nonprofit group The Arctic Times Project, based in the USA. He cooperates with Rai Channel, “Sette”, “Il Giornale”, “GQ”, “L’Espresso”. He has been deputy editor of “Io Donna”, the women’s magazine of the “Corriere della Sera”. He has written reports covering more than fifty countries.