Another Life is Possible
Original title: Une autre vie est possible
Told through the eyes of a naive and heartrendingly honest girl, this story pays homage to a lost world in a surgically-precise style that avoids the usual pitfalls.
Communist activism permeates Valéry’s young life. Her mother, Micheline, a party cell leader, dreams of revolution. Her comrades-in-arms hand out flyers, put up posters, protest with raised fists and party all night long. Men play the role of charming guerillas while their women affectionately ruffle their hair. Together they forge full steam ahead, hoping to go down in history, but violence threatens to erupt at the slightest sign of conflict and put an end to their tryst with destiny. Une autre vie est possible describes the demise of a great revolutionary dream crushed by ordinary domestic violence.
Praise for previous work:
Olga Duhamel-Noyer is adept at creating atmospheres fraught withsuspense. Her writing magnificently paints worlds readers find difficult toleave. Her work is young and fresh. She uses the right words, writesonly what is necessary and refuses to resolve her readers’ doubts. – Caroline Tellier, Le Cochaux Show