Age Isn’t the Same for Everyone

Original title: L’età non è uguale per tutti

Author: Liotta, Eliana

Publication Date:

May 2018



Original language and publisher

Italian | La nave di Teseo


Health & Lifestyle

Age Isn’t the Same for Everyone

Original title: L’età non è uguale per tutti

Author: Liotta, Eliana

  • 2 Seas represents: French, Dutch, Portuguese, and Nordic Rights.
  • On the bestsellers lists since its release with three print runs in 3 weeks


Everything depends on others. Only time is our own. — Seneca

Can youth be extended? The answer is yes. An illustrated book which teaches us to protect our body and our health, with practical suggestions on diet and physical exercise.

Is it possible to extend youth, inverting the ageing process? The answer is yes: age is not the same for everyone.

For the first time in Europe, a psycho-physical programme for improving the quality of life has been put together with contributions from various specialists belonging to a major clinical and research centre headed by Alberto Mantovani, who is the scientific director of Humanitas and the most frequently quoted Italian scientist on the international scene. Why does biological age often not coincide with physical age? What is the key to preserving the golden years of body and mind? These are the questions that are asked by those who are concerned about their appearance and who want to avoid diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, rheumatic and neurodegenerative conditions.

The essential aim is to eliminate inflammation, quenching the fires of bilateral nature that burn within us: fires which, like any flame, are sometimes protective, sometimes destructive. Eliana Liotta describes the struggles between good and evil that are fought out in the depths of our bodies, as the soldiers of the immune system engage in a daily war which nobody dreams they are fighting. The second part of the book is a practical illustrated guide to the ways of applying the results of scientific research to our everyday life, ranging from diet to exercise.

This project, unique in Europe, bears the scientific stamp of Humanitas, the internationally renowned centre of research into the immune system.

Eliana Liotta is a journalist, author and scientific communicator. In 2016 she published her first book, La Dieta Smartfood, an international bestseller which is currently being published in over 20 countries. This book, and the practical guide that followed, Le ricette Smartfood (prepared with the help of a team of chefs), were developed into a 15-volume collection which was distributed with the Corriere della Sera from December 2017 to April 2018. In 2017 she co-wrote with the senologist surgeon Paolo Veronesi Il bene delle donne, an account of the female universe and a scientific guide to health, which remained in the top ten of the bestseller list for two months. She writes the blog ‘ll bene che mi voglio’ for Io donna, the weekly supplement of Corriere della Sera. At RCS she has been deputy editor of the weekly magazine Oggi and for 7 years was editor of the monthly magazine, website and book collection which all go by the title OK Salute. A pianist, she serves on the boards of administration of the theatres Dal Verme and Arcimboldi, having been appointed by Milan City Council (the foundation I Pomeriggi Musicali). She won the most recent edition of Il Premiolino, the oldest Italian prize for journalism, and is an ambassador of the Certamen Ciceronianum of Arpino.