Willian, Wagner


Wagner Willan is a writer, painter, and comic artist who has competed in the main publishing awards in Brazil. His previous publications include: Lobisomem Sem Barba (2014, winner of the Jabuti de Illustration Award for second place), Bulldogma (2016, winner of the HQMix and Grampo award of New Talent Screenwriter, rights sold to Coconino Press), O Maestro, Cuco e Lenda (2017, considered by the Public Notice of Comics of the State of São Paulo, received four nominations for the HQMix Trophy and was published by Casterman and Polvo), Martyrdom of Joana Dark Side (2018, winner of the HQMix Finalist Art Trophy), and Silvestre (2019, considered by the Public Notice of Comics of the Municipal Secretariat of São Paulo).