Vincent Glenn


Christophe Alévêque is an actor and a stand-up comic. A long-time member of Laurent Ruquier’s crew, since August 2014 he has had his own daily show on the France Inter radio station. His hit one-man shows (at the Théâtre du Rond-Point and elsewhere) have crowned him as one of the top political comedians in France. In addition to his performing, Christophe Alévêque has made a name for himself as a burlesque activist, organizing events pairing humor with raising public awareness. First there was the “1000 Colombes,” when he celebrated the anniversary of Nicolas Sarkozy’s election by singing the then president’s favorite singer’s theme song in front of his favorite restaurant on the Champs Elysees. And now, with the help of professional economists, he organizes the “Debt Fete.” Vincent Glenn is a principled film director whose activism is expressed in documentaries devoted to international economics and finances. He co-organizes the “Debt Fete” with Christophe Alévêque. His films include “Davos, Porto Alegre et autres” (2002), “Pas assez de volume” (“Not Producing Enough,” about the WTO, 2003) and “Indices” (“Clues” about fetishizing the GNP, 2010).