Spann, Susan
Susan Spann is currently living in Japan. She closed her law practice and sold the house she and her husband called home for 14 years and moved into a rental for two months while waiting on her visa application to move to Japan. She is taking a sabbatical year to become the first American woman over 45 to climb the nihon hyakumeizan (hundred famous mountains of Japan). This endeavor may seem crazy but what’s even crazier is after she committed to doing this and signed a contract for a book about her upcoming year (with Prometheus Books) she was diagnosed with cancer, a very aggressive form of cancer, and had to pause; to fight the cancer and endure chemotherapy. She’s triumphed. And she’s there now. Read her blog 100 Summits. Susan is the 2015 Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Writer of the Year, a former president of the Northern California Chapter of Mystery Writers of America and a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime (National and Sacramento chapters), the Historical Novel Society, and the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers.