Rouchon-Borie, Dimitri


Dimitri Rouchon-Borie was born in 1977 in Nantes. A journalist at the daily newspaper Le Télégramme, he covers legal affairs and is as thorough with trivial cases as he is with violent ones. He published Au tribunal, chroniques judiciaires (Manufacture de livres, 2018).

His first novel, The Demon on the Wolf Hill (Le Tripode, 2021) was a revelation: 35,000 copies sold, winner of thirteen prizes, and licenses sold in Spain (EME), Croatia (HENA COM), Germany (Lenos Verlag), and Italy (Solferino-RCS). Dimitri Rouchon-Borie is also the author of Ritournelle, a novel, and Fariboles, a collection of short stories, also published by Le Tripode.