Favan, Claire


Claire Favan works in the world of finance. Among other books, she is the author of the diptych composed of Tueur intime (“Intimate Killer,” 2010 VSD Crime Fiction Prize, 2011 Sang pour Sang Crime Fiction Prize) and Tueur de l’ombre (“The Shadow Killer”), as well as Serre-moi fort (“Hold Me Tight,” 2016 Griffe Noire Best French Crime Fiction), more recently, Cicatrices (Scars), La Chair de sa chair (“Flesh of Her Flesh”, Prix des Petits Mots des libraires 2021, Grand Prix du Festival Sans Nom 2021) and De nulle part (“Out of Nowhere”, 2022 Charbon Noir Grand Prix, 2023 Cigogne Noire Prize). Novel after novel, she continues her exploration of humanity’s darkest sides.