Cuillandre, Hervé
Hervé Cuillandre is Chief Digital Officer at Engie, a major energy group, and also Gender Equity Officer. In this capacity, he leads the Cfdt’elles women’s network, but is also the BPW (Business Professional Women) ambassador, a member of the steering committee of the Equality Laboratory, and speaks at conferences on gender bias and artificial intelligence at the French National Assembly, the EESC, and in various socio-professional bodies.
He holds a Master’s degree in science from the University of Rennes, a Data-scientist, graduated from Edhec, and holds an Executive MBA in “Management of Digital Transformation.” He is the author of numerous press articles and 9 books, including Après l’intelligence artificielle et la robotisation : remettre l’humain au cœur du monde – Mixité – Diversité – Inclusion, prefaced by Elisabeth Moreno, Minister of Equality and close friend (Maxima, 2019), and Un monde meilleur : et si l’intelligence artificielle humanisait notre avenir (Maxima, 2018).