Caringella, Francesco
Francesco Caringella, former chief of police and criminal court judge in Milan at the time of the “Mani pulite” investigation, is currently president of section at the Italian Council of State. He has been training would-be judges and lawyers for years, and authored several legal works as well as three novels: Il colore del vetro (“The Color of Glass”, 2012), Non sono un assassino (“I am not a Killer”, 2014, awarded the Roma Narrative Prize), Dieci minuti per uccidere (“Ten Minutes to Kill”, 2015). Mondadori has published his essays 10 lezioni sulla giustizia (2017) and La corruzione spuzza (2017), La corruzione spiegata ai ragazzi, che hanno a cuore il futuro del paese (2018) both of them signed with Raffaele Cantone.