Prisoners in Paradise

Original title: Presos no Paraiso

Author: Marcelo, Carlos

Publication Date:

May 2017



Territories Handled

Netherlands, Scandinavia, World English

Territories Sold

France (Gallimard, in a pre-empt)
Film/TV rights (RT Features)


Crime & Thrillers

Prisoners in Paradise

Original title: Presos no Paraiso

Author: Marcelo, Carlos


“As you get deeper into the effortless, fluid story, the care taken with the narrative construction grows increasingly evident. Revelations involving the characters and their relationships come in fractions, creating a complex web of subplots. Dramatic pauses and cut-tos keep readers on their toes. The use of varying verb tenses and narrative points of view – both first and third person – ensures a dramatic rollercoaster ride.” – Pablo Pires, Estado de Minas

“As every good crime novel, PRISONERS IN PARADISE is based on the triad crime-mystery-solution, but it does not close with this equation. Each character carries a personal drama, and their relevance matters as much as the plot.” – Nahima Maciel, Correio Braziliense

In the remote island of Fernando de Noronha, a secluded paradise in the coast of Brazil, the bodies of a colonel and a local doctor are found by police commissioner Nelson Silva, also known as Nelsão. Understaffed, he must rely on the help of Tobias Martins, a photographer working for a tourist agency that had been with the colonel hours before he was killed. As the commissioner skillfully advances on his investigation with poise and expertise, Tobias describes his interactions with natives, foreigners and his involvement with Lena, manager of the B&B where he is staying. Through his perspective, with Tom Jobim and reggae classics serving as background, the reader also discovers some obscure parts of the island, such desolate prison ruins and numerous conflicts.

Divided in two parts, “Stranded in Paradise” and “The sea outside and the sea inside”, the novel relies on a dual narrative perspective, alternating between the voices of the two main characters. As it approaches its thrilling conclusion, this entanglement between both parts pushes beyond a simplistic mystery-solving ending to unravel a bundle of tormented souls and a family tragedy.

Marketing Information

  • English sample & French translation available




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