Create or Hate: Successful People Make Things

Author: Norris, Dan

Publication Date:

October 2016



Original language and publisher

English | Dan Norris


Business & Leadership

Create or Hate: Successful People Make Things

Author: Norris, Dan

  • 2 Seas Represents: World Translation rights.
  • Rights sold: Poland (Helion)
  • Top 10 in Amazon US in the categories Innovation, Creativity, Startups
  • Close to 15,000 copies sold


A modern day Zen master’s guide to one’s creativity and value! – Joel Castillo

Thank you so much Dan, this is honestly up there with the most inspiring, kick-arse books I have ever read. – Krystal Abbott

One of the most motivating, inspiring, and easily digestible texts I have ever read. – Kirsty Petersen

I defy anyone to read Create or Hate and not be fired into action to stop thinking and start doing. Dare I say–an even more inspiring call to creative action than Big Magic? – Kelly Exeter

Most of us have always wanted to make something, but for any number of reasons haven’t. Maybe you used to make things as a child, but stopped some time into adulthood.

What is that something for you? Writing a book? Creating a blog? Learning photography? Starting a podcast? Launching a business?

This book exists for only one reason, to help you create that something.

We are all creative — there is a creator in you.

But there is also a force called Hate, which will work against your creativity and stop you from making things.

Hate can be controlled, and overpowered and your creative side can be nurtured and grown.

This book will show you how.



Iran (Tarjomanclub), Poland (Helion)